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Quality Policies
Hong Kong Derun Microelectronics has obtained ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification, proactively enhances requirements toward quality by all employees through internal and external employee quality trainings.
We commit that in the future we will sustain the supplies of high-quality “goods” and premium “services”, and excellent cost performance feeding back to our customers.

Conflict Mineral-Free
Conflict Minerals refer to metal materials of Tin (Sn), Tantalum (Ta), Tungsten (W), Gold (Au), Cobalt (Co), Palladium (Pd), etc.
As per Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) investigation, rebels from DR Congo and its surrounding countries was found obtaining and smuggling through forced labor, abuse of child labor and miscellaneous forms of exploitation minerals including Tantalum, Tin, Tungsten, and gold-the Conflict Minerals. People from the conflict areas are under control with violence and force by non-governmental armed organizations. The mined minerals are sold illegally in exchange for weapons, causing instability and infringement of human rights in the areas, whilst violating against various international covenants of human rights.
Tantalum (Ta): for high-performance, small-volume and high-reliability devices e.g. mobile phone, digital camera, etc.
Tin (Sn): Mainly for solders on electronics, widely used on electronics, electrical appliances, food packaging, etc.
Tungsten (W): in addition to applications on light bulbs, lines of products for usage include plumbs for fishing tackles, dart tips and golf club, etc.
Gold (Au): in addition to charms, it is widely used in electronics and dentistry products.
Statement on Responsibility
Hong Kong Derun Microelectronics focus on protection of human rights by not only the stipulation of “Human Rights Policy” but also comply with Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). To avoid the use of illegally acquired minerals, we require our suppliers to meet the following conditions:
- Hazardous Substance Management System
- RoHS 2.0
- Use of Conflict Mineral-Free Raw Materials
- ISO9001:2015 & QC080000 International Certifications

Code of Conducts
We deliver Letter to Supplier to express specifications of the Company every year, meanwhile requiring Suppliers to commit their conducts will meet:
- Suppliers are required to submit Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) as accordance of investigation on explicit disclosure of sources of materials on an annual basis.
- Hong Kong Derun Microelectronics are committed to conduct investigations on source of metal sources of suppliers with due diligence. Each year, suppliers are required to submit the Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT) as explicit disclosure of sources.
Hong Kong Derun Microelectronics respect human rights and continue to focus on international issues, meanwhile forbidding all exploited minerals acquired in violation against international human rights and other covenants while at the same time emphasizing suppliers’ compliance with CMRT and CRT on their raw metal materials and confirmation of source of supplier procurements meets with Conflict Mineral-Free policies through procurement management procedure.